This is not going to be your ordinary post because there are some things going on in some of my friend’s particular life that I do not particularly agree with. What I am about to post is information that the general public should know ANYWAY!! It’s common since, which I have found to be lacking in most people’s rapture as of late. First off, the thing that pisses me off the most is when people go onto other people’s face book just to find something to gossip about. I believe the Bible says something about casting the first stone if you have not sinned. First of all, NO ONE IS NOT PERFECT, that includes me. 2010 is going to be the year where I step back and check some things out in my life that need to change, that’s just one example of how I am not perfect. Since my conversion I have learned that ultimately it is not our place to talk about people but show them mercy, and let them know that they are loved. I do not care what you have done, except there is something that has been done to a friend of mine, something so sinister that I can only pray that God give me the strength to forgive them, and in a way I already have.
People, I know you have better things to do than to talk. In the small town I live in, that is near impossible to not hear someone talking. Yes I know I have been subject to it but I ask forgiveness and I try to change. I do however have the since not to go onto other people’s stuff and try to find out things about them. That’s how friendships end and it’s just bad manners. I know a lot of you talk about me because I have Muslim friends, and people who are not Christian. I have an educated background and I worked with the international department, so I am going to have friends from all over the world who have different backgrounds. I do not force my particular religion on them, yes we do have EDUCATED discussions but I NEVER TRY TO CONVERT THEM… I feel pity for those of you who are looking though MySpace constantly to try to figure out things. Some things I can understand, but just petty crap in general is no excuse. People get a life! There are better things to do like, charity work, helping your neighbor, and making yourself better in your own business and religion. You know if someone talks about me and it’s not true, I don’t have to do a thing, in my religion (Catholic) my God gives justice to those who deserves it. I do not have to lift a finger. All I have to do is continue to love and do my thing. If you do not agree with what I do or what my friends do, “snub off” as they say in England. May the Creator bless you. See you in church!
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